Learn something new, connect with others in the community, stimulate your creativity or improve your health. Adult Enrichment offers a variety of fee-based classes and activities designed for adults of every age.
Little Warriors Childcare: Providing Extended Day, and Non School Day Childcare for students enrolled in School Readiness Preschool.
Fun & Friends is a child care program for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. Please do not send your child to Fun & Friends until your contract and schedule has been approved.
We have a variety of preschool programs: *School Readiness Preschool: 3-5 year olds *Voluntary Pre-K: 4 years old by September 1st *ECFE+: 2 1/2-3 year olds *Little Warrior Childcare: 3-5 year olds enrolled in a preschool class
Youth develop life-long interests, skills and knowledge through sports, performing and visual arts, academics, special interest clubs, outdoor educational experiences and many more programs.
Child Only classes provide children opportunities to explore learning in an ECFE classroom setting independently.
ECFE offers many special events throughout the year for families with birth-5 yr olds.
Time Together Classes provide weekly time for parents/guardians and their children birth-5 years old.
Brainerd Public Schools’ Preschool Programs:
Brainerd Public Schools take pride in investing in our youngest learners and in preparing children and families for success in school. We have a variety of preschool options serving 2 ½- 5 year olds. Our preschool program prepares children to enter school by focusing learning around classroom routines and procedures, social and emotional development and academic development.
Our preschool programs have earned a four-star rating from Minnesota’s Parent Aware- the highest rating possible! The Parent Aware rating system helps parents find preschools and childcare programs focused on high quality early learning and kindergarten readiness.
All of our classrooms are staffed by licensed Early Childhood teachers and include a qualified teaching assistant. Many on our classrooms also have a licensed Early Childhood Special Education teacher as part of the teaching team, making our staff to student ratio lower than the state recommended average.
*Frog Street Pre-K is a research-based curriculum organized around 9 thematic units integrating literacy, math, science, social studies, social-emotional connections, STEAM, technology, assessment, and family engagement. *Pyramid Model innovations focuses on improving the social, emotional and behavioral outcomes of young children birth to 5. *Second Step helps young learners harness their energy and potential by teaching them self-regulation skills to help them listen, pay attention, manage their behavior and get along with others.*Handwriting Without Tears uses music, movement and manipulatives to help teach students correct grip, letter formation and placement.*Gross Motor play is built into our preschool schedule each day whether it be gym time, playground time or even yoga and dancing in the classroom. Students at our WELC location participate in a Motor Lab at least once a week designed by Physical & Occupations Therapists from the Paul Bunyan Co-op.