Learn something new, connect with others in the community, stimulate your creativity or improve your health. Adult Enrichment offers a variety of fee-based classes and activities designed for adults of every age.
Little Warriors Childcare: Providing Extended Day, and Non School Day Childcare for students enrolled in School Readiness Preschool.
Fun & Friends is a child care program for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. Please do not send your child to Fun & Friends until your contract and schedule has been approved.
We have a variety of preschool programs: *School Readiness Preschool: 3-5 year olds *Voluntary Pre-K: 4 years old by September 1st *ECFE+: 2 1/2-3 year olds *Little Warrior Childcare: 3-5 year olds enrolled in a preschool class
Youth develop life-long interests, skills and knowledge through sports, performing and visual arts, academics, special interest clubs, outdoor educational experiences and many more programs.
Child Only classes provide children opportunities to explore learning in an ECFE classroom setting independently.
ECFE offers many special events throughout the year for families with birth-5 yr olds.
Time Together Classes provide weekly time for parents/guardians and their children birth-5 years old.
Pre-registration is required for ALL classes. You must be registered and all fees paid before class begins.
To cancel your registration in a class, you must either call our office at 218-454-6924 or email sandra.jensen@isd181.org or cylinda.ring@isd181.org. In order to be reimbursed for canceling a class (minus a $3.00 processing fee), you must notify us at least three business days before the start of the class, unless otherwise stated in the class description. No refunds will be given for cancellations received less than three business days before class. The exception to this is Driver Education. We require a seven business day notification for canceling a Driver Education class.
In the event we would have to cancel a class due to low enrollment, sick instructor or emergency situation, we will EMAIL you at the SAME EMAIL you used to register and/or send a text to your phone number. If the Brainerd School District is closed due to bad weather, then all Community Education classes and activities are canceled as well. Announcements will be broadcast over the following stations and continue periodically: WJJY (106.7 FM), 3Wi (1270 AM), KLIZ (1380 AM/107.5 FM), KUAL (Cool 103.5 FM), KVBR (1340 AM), KLKS (104.3 FM), KTIG (102.7 FM) & KCCO-TV (Channel 7/12).
Each class has a building code and or classroom number assigned to it.Here is the building code chart:
Baxter - Baxter Elementary School (12191 Jasperwood Dr, Baxter)
BHS - Brainerd High School (702 S 5th Street, Brainerd)
ECFE - Early Childhood Family Education Center (5546 Fairview Road, Baxter)
FAC - Franklin Arts Center (1001 Kingwood, Brainerd)
FMS - Forestview Middle School (12149 Knollwood Drive, Baxter)
Nisswa - Nisswa Elementary School (5533 Lakers Lane, Nisswa)
WESB - Washington Educational Services Building (804 Oak Street, Brainerd)
Be sure to check your spam folder as some e-mail providers send automated messages to the spam box. If you still can't find it - give us a call at 218-454-6924.
Yes, we have moved to a brand new software in January of 2020. If this is your first time using our new software, you will need to create a new username and password.
If you have an idea for a youth enrichment class that you would like to propose, complete our Class Proposal Form online.
If you have an idea for an adult enrichment class that you would like to propose, complete our Class Proposal Form online.
Here they are:
NOTE in order to accommodate as many gymnasts as possible, you may only register for one class each session.
Class Guidelines:
To make it a safe and enjoyable gymnastics experience for your gymnast, please follow these program guidelines:
Gymnasts will be evaluated each practice on the proper skills that need to be mastered before moving onto the next level. Within each class level, groups are based on skill level. During the session, gymnasts may be moved to a different group depending on skill level improvement. Once a gymnast has been moved to the advanced group and all skills have been mastered, congratulations and approval to move to the next class level will be sent from coaching staff.
I have read and agree to the class guidelines above.
Here it is:
I do hereby agree to allow the individual named herein to participate in the Baxter/Brainerd/ISD#181 recreational activities with the understanding that the cities of Brainerd and Baxter, and ISD#181 do not provide group accidental insurance and I must provide and have attained said insurance. I further agree to indemnify, and hold the city of Baxter, the city of Brainerd and/or ISD#181 and their employees harmless from and against any liability for any injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual arising out of, or in any way connected with his/her participation in this activity.
Right here!
I certify that this information provided on the payment plan is true and correct. I understand that school officials may verify the information and that deliberate misrepresentation may subject me to prosecution under applicable laws. I will notify the school immediately if my financial situation changes.
I agree to the payment plan above and will contact the Learning Center to discuss if a revised plan is needed.
Medical Concerns: Please indicate any special needs, i.e., food allergies, health conditions, etc., your child may have when registering. It is ultimately the parent/guardian's responsibility to contact the instructor to provide detailed information on their child's condition. Contact the Brainerd Community Education office, 218-454-6924, for instructors' contact information.
All classes and activities are subject to enrollment maximums and minimums.
Photographs and videos of class activities may be taken and used for district publications and web pages. If you do not want your child's image used, please notify the Community Education Office in writing every time you register for a class.
I have read and agree to the information above.
Right here :
Offered throughout the school year and summer by Brainerd Public Schools Community Education. Taught by college-trained Department of Education certified instructors who will help you meet the State Driver Education requirements!
Classroom portion of the program DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, students will meet three times a week; Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays for three hours each day.
Classroom portion of the program SUMMER SESSIONS, will meet five times a week; Monday through Friday for three hours each day.
Attendance each day is mandatory to gain the 30 hours of classroom training which is required by state law!
Students must be 15 years of age by the 10th classroom session (age exceptions must be discussed when registering).
After completing 30 hours of classroom, the student will spend eight hours in the simulator. All simulator classes are 1.5 hours except for the last class which is two hours long.
*Missed simulation classes result in the need for extra driving time to meet state requirements. If one class is missed, the student must pay for 1/2 hour of extra on-street driving at the cost of $23 in order to meet the requirements. Any remaining balance or additional charges incurred after the first date of a class must be paid by cash or credit card; no checks will be accepted.
**Students will be allowed to register for behind the wheel dates at the end of simulation or drive at a later date.
To ensure that this driver's education program is safe and appropriate, please indicate when registering whether the student has any special needs or requires any accommodations to be successful in this program.
Class size is limited.
Note -- In order to be reimbursed for canceling a class or to be moved to another section, you must notify the Community Education office at least seven business days prior to the start of class.
Behind the wheel dates are made by appointment during the school year (an instructor will call). Most people will be done driving 3-6 weeks after simulation unless they choose to wait.
Students will complete the entire course within one year of their first classroom session. A $60 fee will be assessed to those waiting longer than a year. Anyone waiting 18 months or longer will pay $90 and $5 per month thereafter.
After eight hours of simulation, four hours behind the wheel are required. Behind The Wheel dates are made by appointment (an instructor will call you).
Students who cancel or wish to move to another section with less than seven business days notice, prior to the class start date will forfeit $120 of their tuition.
If a student withdraws from the program after beginning classroom they will forfeit $120 of their tuition.
If a student withdraws from the program after beginning simulation, $210 will be forfeited.
Students who don't show up for scheduled behind the wheel driving appointments will be charged $37. Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the driving is scheduled.
NOTE: The 90-minute parent course we offer for the primary driving supervisor will be free of charge to parents whose students' tuitions are paid in full with the Brainerd Community Ed Driver program. If you student is registered with another driver ed program, a $25 fee will be charged.
This agreement/contract constitutes an agreement/contract between the program and the student/parent and no verbal statements or promises will be recognized.
We have read and agree with the terms and conditions described above.
We try and keep our classes as affordable as possible for all families. However, we do offer a 25% discount to those Brainerd School District students that qualify for the free or reduced lunch program. Contact our office at 218-454-6924 or email sandra.jensen@isd181.org or cylinda.ring@isd181.org for an application form. There are some classes/activities that we are not able to offer a discount for.
Enrollment in District 181 Community Education classes or activities constitutes permission to District 181 to take and use photographs, video and other likenesses of you and your enrolled minor child in District 181's promotional materials and publications. If you do not wish for the image and likeness of you or your minor child to be used in this manner, contact us in writing each time you register for a class.
We are always looking for people who would like to share their skill or talent with the community by teaching a Community Ed class. No degree required, just a love for your hobby and a willingness to share.
For an adult class proposal, click here!, for a youth class proposal, click here! Our adult & youth enrichment coordinator is Leah Garry (leah.garry@isd181.org) and phone is 218-454-6564
Feel free to contact us with what's on your mind.