Learn something new, connect with others in the community, stimulate your creativity or improve your health. Adult Enrichment offers a variety of fee-based classes and activities designed for adults of every age.
Little Warriors Childcare: Providing Extended Day, and Non School Day Childcare for students enrolled in School Readiness Preschool.
Fun & Friends is a child care program for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. Please do not send your child to Fun & Friends until your contract and schedule has been approved.
We have a variety of preschool programs: *School Readiness Preschool: 3-5 year olds *Voluntary Pre-K: 4 years old by September 1st *ECFE+: 2 1/2-3 year olds *Little Warrior Childcare: 3-5 year olds enrolled in a preschool class
Youth develop life-long interests, skills and knowledge through sports, performing and visual arts, academics, special interest clubs, outdoor educational experiences and many more programs.
Child Only classes provide children opportunities to explore learning in an ECFE classroom setting independently.
ECFE offers many special events throughout the year for families with birth-5 yr olds.
Time Together Classes provide weekly time for parents/guardians and their children birth-5 years old.
Fun & Friends is a child care program for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. It has served the students of Brainerd Public Schools for over 30 years with age-appropriate, fun, recreational activities. Care is provided before school, after school, on non-school days, and over the summer.
Sites include Nisswa Elementary, Baxter Elementary, Riverside Elementary, and Harrison Elementary (also servicing Garfield and Lowell).
school year registration has ended. All sites are full with a waitlist.
Fun & Friends will be located at three different locations this summer: Baxter Elementary, Nisswa Elementary, and Riverside Elementary. Families can choose to register for any location, regardless of which school their child attends, although we do suggest choosing the location your child attends school if it is available.Our expected daily attendance capacity is around 50 students at Nisswa Elementary and 100 students at both Baxter and Riverside Elementary. For our larger sites (Riverside & Baxter), we will break into two smaller groups and have a K-2 group and a 3rd and up group. More info about the schedule will be sent out at a later date.
Summer Fun & Friends will operate from Wednesday, June 11 through Friday August 22. Programming is open Monday through Friday from 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM. A summer calendar is attached.
Fun & Friends has 6 spots reserved at each location for Little Warrior students. All Little Warrior enrollments will be placed in a lottery to fill those spaces.
*Families must sign up during the correct stage for their application to be considered. Signing up before your registration window will result in a denied application.
For more information or to view our handbook, please visit the Fun & Friends website, HERE.